Study of the mechanics of playing and instructional procedures and materials relative to brass instruments of the orchestra and band. MUSC 17100 covers trumpet and french horn; 

This course provides instruction on horn with an emphasis on the similarities and differences in playing and teaching all of the brass instruments.


Course Objectives:     The purpose of this course is to provide the student with the fundamental tools necessary to demonstrate beginner-intermediate performance skills and to introduce successful methods for teaching beginning horn students.


Learning Outcomes:   By the end of this course students will:

·       Play the horn at a good beginner level and demonstrate correct technique, sound, articulation, embouchure, and breathing skills.

·       Learn how to identify, diagnose, and fix common playing issues for beginning, intermediate, and advanced student musicians.

·       Know the canon of standard method books and solo repertoire and choose the ones that best suit their students’ needs.

·       Accumulate a binder of horn resources that can be consulted for future teaching.