PHIL 43001. MEDICAL ETHICS CASE STUDIES This .25-credit course focuses on real-world medical ethics case studies. We analyze cases for understanding how ethics in healthcare is foundational for engaging in narrative medicine. In this course you will learn to identify and use major ethical theories (e.g., utilitarianism), central moral principles of bioethics (e.g., respect for autonomy), and approaches to ethical problem solving and decision-making. After appropriate training in the course, students will be expected to do an interview and produce a written narrative of that interview. Students go on to provide an analysis of the narrative, focusing on the ethical issues in the relevant particular case. Students are also expected to participate frequently and substantively in discussions about ethical dilemmas and problems in healthcare. Special focus will be placed on patient-centered culturally appropriate healthcare and narrative medicine. Successful completion of the course will result in a grade tha
- Διδάσκων: Karen Haely